Sunday, May 19, 2019
Some Aspects of Muslim Educational System in Pre-Colonial India
SOME ASPECTS OF THE MUSLIM educational SYSTEM IN PRE-COLONIAL INDIA by Aamir Bashir ABSTRACT This paper explores some of the hitherto less known aspects of the Moslem Educational clay in pre-colonial India. It examines the broad contours of this dodging by looking at the hot mental attitude towards association, scholars and students the respective(a) types of institutions, and the evolution of class. It also looks at the depth of Indian scholars eng yearsment with IadEth and early(a) sciences. Finally, it also looks at Sufis and their attitude towards the various Islamic sciences.The paper suggests that the educational scheme of the full point under study was extreme in structure and was in tune with the needs of the individual and the society. The course of study was a full(a) balance between the temporal and the spectral. Indian ulamE were fully engaged with the IadEth sciences and lastly, the Sufis gave great importance to all Islamic sciences. This paper suggests that the historical Moslem educational system in pre-colonial India suffers valuable resources for the problems faced by new-fangled educational systems.INTRODUCTION The aim of this paper is to bring to light some of the hitherto less known aspects of the Moslem Educational System in pre-colonial India. By pre-colonial India, we refer to the time from the advent of Islam in India in the number cardinal of the eighth century CE up to the consolidation of colonial rule in the middle of the ordinal century. 1 This short paper can non do justice to all the details of the Moslem Educational System during this decimal point. Therefore, we shall confine ourselves to plainly some aspects of it. These include the evolution of the course over the centuries, and general contours of the educational system.We ordain also be challenging some conventional theories. These include the notion that before the coming of the mess, books were in short supply in India. The other is that Iad Eth was little known in India until the coming of ShEh WalE AllEh (d. 1762). We exit be presenting individual incidents which we feel to be representative of a broader trend and from these we shall draw general conclusions. During the period under study Muslim rule gradually extended from Sindh to include the whole of Northern India until it became one of the three study(ip) Muslim powers of that time under 1All the dates mentioned in this paper are CE (common era) dates unless other noted. the Great Mughals,2 Ottoman Turkey and Safavid Iran being the other twain. Such a strong and vast conglomerate required a strong administrative structure which in turn required an effective system of education. As we shall see later, education was suitablely sought afterwards, and provided for during this time, much(prenominal) that India at that time could favourably study and often compete with the central lands of Islam in the field of scholarship. 3POSITION OF KNOWLEDGE AND EDUCATI ON IN ISLAM We begin our depth psychology with looking at the position of noesis and education in Islam. Numerous Quranic verses and Prophetic traditions establish the centrality of association in Islam. The verses include Are those who know and those who do not know alike? (399) the origin revealing Read in the name of your Lord who created (961) and the prayer taught in the Quran, Say (O MuIammad), My Lord Increase me in fellowship (20114). Similarly, the Prophetic traditions (aIEdEth) exhorting raft to seek knowledge are also well known.Examples include the storied tradition in which the Prophet is describe to concord verbalize, It is obligatory upon every Muslim to seek knowledge. 4 At another time, he said Seek knowledge even if you cook to go to China. 5 Similarly, al-TirmidhE has describe a IadEth in which the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) said, The excellence of a scholar upon the worshiper is like my excellence over the lowest one amongst you. 6 This emphasis upon knowledge and education has been taken for granted in Muslim societies since the beginning of Islam.The religious basis for the pursuit of knowledge resulted in be the objective of education as al-fawz bi al-saEdah fi al-dErayn i. e. to succeed through bliss in this world and the hereafter. This in turn implied that education should be acquired 2 Great Mughals is a term used to refer to the first six Mughal Emperors of India. These are, in chronological order, BEbar, HumEyEn, Akbar, JahEngEr, ShEh JahEn and Awrangzeb. These are the first and the greatest of all Mughal Emperors. In all, they reigned from 1526 to 1707 with a cardinal division interregnum from 1539 till 1555.The empire r severallyed its zenith with Awrangzeb (reigned from 1658-1707) and after his death began her decline which ended with the capture of the last Mughal emperor butterfly BahEdur ShEh Zafar at the hands of the British in 1857. 3 S. M. Jaffar, Education in Muslim India, (Delhi IdEra Adabiyyat-e-DillE, 1972), viii. 4 AbE Bakr AImad ibn al-? usayn al-BayhaqE, Shuab al-OmEn, (Beirut DEr al-Kutub al-Ilmiyyah, 1410AH), 2253. 5 ib. 6 MuIammad Abd al-RaImEn ibn Abd al-RaIEm MubErakpurE, TuIfat al-AIwadhE bi SharI JEmi al-TirmidhE, ed. Abd al-RaImEn MuIammad UthmEn, (Beirut DEr al-Fikr, n. d. ), 7456. 1. To understand the will of God and to campaign ones life according to it. 2. To inculcate Islamic values in oneself. 3. To cultivate obliging behavior in oneself. 7 As can be seen from these objectives, acquiring knowledge was considered a heavenly duty. It was the doctor means to success. Knowledge (ilm) and practice (amal) were inter-linked. Instruction (talEm) went hand in hand with training (tadEb). The handed-down Islamic concept of education was, thus, holistic as understood at that time.Muslim scholars had divided knowledge into two p dodges, the farI ayn (individually obligatory) and the farI kifEyah (collectively obligatory) but there was no strict separ ation between the religious and the secular sciences. some(prenominal) form part of an integrated whole. THE GENERAL ENVIRONMENT AND PUBLIC ATTITUDE As we have seen above, Islam has determined significant emphasis upon knowledge. Because of this we discern that, historically, the general attitude of Muslims, through kayoed the world, towards knowledge, scholars and students had been that of reverence.In every land, there were to be found a significant number of tidy sum who had dedicated themselves to breeding and/or article of belief. At the same time, the general public considered it an act of worship to booster the scholars and the students. This public attitude coupled with safety of the roads maintained by stable and strong Muslim governments, enabled people to move across great distances in search of knowledge. In spite of the crude means of conveyance, people were constantly on the move students disciplineting unwrap to learn, teachers travelling to teach. GhulEm A lE OzEd BilgirEmE (d. 785) writes in his book MaEthir al-KirEm, which is a historical account of sixteenth/seventeenth century Mughal India, that Seekers of knowledge travel in multitudes from one place to another. Wherever, the situation is agreeable, they get busy in learning. The lucky people of each town take care of these seekers of knowledge and consider it a great observe an eye on to serve them. 8 7 8 Al-Nadvi & Moinuddin, Survey of Muslim Education India, (Cambridge The Islamic Academy, 1985), 5. Sayyid ManE? ir AIsan GElEnE, PEk-o-Hind main MusalmEnon kE Ni? Em-e-TalEm-o-Tarbiyyat. Lahore Maktaba RaImEniyya, n. d. ) 19. The teachers occupied a high position in society. Though their emoluments were not unendingly great, they commanded universal respect and confidence. GilEnE mentions a number of incidents when the teachers, in spite of their poverty, refused to accept any monetary help from others and whatever help or gift was accepted, the giver always considered it to be an honor for his gift to have been accepted. 9 This attitude was widespread throughout the period under review. Even absolutist monarchs showed deference to the ulamE and the Sufis. Ni?EmE has also mentioned several incidents of ulamE and Sufis refusing royal gifts even while suffering from abject poverty. 10 For legion(predicate), poverty was a chosen path and the royal gifts were seen as undoing years of patient hard work. INSTITUTIONS The main institutions for teaching and learning during the period of Muslim rule in India were maktabs and madrasahs,11 mosques and khEnqEhs (Sufi centers), and private houses. Almost every mosque served as an childlike school. However, a large number of eminent scholars and men of letter taught independently and even nurseed the students who came to them to study.This hence was the foundation upon which the whole system was reinforced the teacher and the student. The issue of budgetary allocations for school buildings and provision of other services was not the top most priority for these people. What was most important was the existence of a devout teacher and a sincere student. If these two were obtaining, other things could be improvised. OzEd has mentioned a famous teacher of his hometown Bilgiram, MEr MubErak. He taught there for years but throughout this time, he was base in the verandah of a definite noble of the town. verandah. 2 At the same time, the state was not negligent to matters of education. Kings as well as local Nawabs and other well-to-do people considered it an act of virtue to build maktabs, madrasahs and to support teachers and students. We find a network of such institutions oneman schools as well as larger more unionised affairs unordered throughout the length and breadth 9 Hundreds came and analyse from him but he continued to operate from that ibidem , 24. Khaliq Ahmad Nizami, Some Aspects of Religion & Politics in India during the 13th century, (Bombay Asia Publishing, 1961), 152-156. 1 It should be noted that madrasah refers to an bring which offers a comprehensive multi-year course in Islamic studies. It is different from a maktab which refers to part-time schools that offer canonic instruction in reading the Quran and basics of Islam. 12 GElEnE, 21. 10 of India. All three levels viz. elementary, befriendary, higher, were catered for. However, no one level endured in any one institution. Private houses were being used to provide basic elementary education but at the same time could be seen to provide locomote studies to those interested.In fact, this lack of bureaucratic uniformity was this systems greatest strength. The system reflected the needs of the people. It accommodated the grassroots desires and ambitions of people regarding education. Thus, we find huge well-funded, well-organized madrasahs existing side by side with one man schools operating out of private houses. 13 The student had the liberty of choosing which teacher to study from. Problems of admissions and school discipline were rare. The focus was on the real thing education with very little squabbling over the means to acquire it.Muslim rulers also sponsor scholars. Amongst the earliest examples is that of the famous theologian Fakhr al-DEn al-REzE (d. 1209). He was also a great philosopher and expert in many another(prenominal) Islamic sciences. He was patronized by many rulers. Among these was ShihEb al-DEn GhaurE (1206), the founder of Muslim rule in India proper. It is reported active him that he had al-REzE stay in his camp wherever he went. Al- REzE was the official prayer attractor and delivered sermons and lectures in the camp. 14 COURSE OF STUDY Muslims first reached India as conquerors in the beginning of the eighth century.The happy climate of their Arab homeland was extended to Sindh, the portion of India that had been conquered. At this academic degree we find an active participation of Sindh based scholars in the field of IadEth. Their names app ear in the chains of transmission of aIEdEth that were later on save by other IadEth masters. Some of their names and whole kit and boodle have also been mentioned by Abd al-? ayy al-? asanE in his al-ThaqEfah al-IslEmiyyah fi al-Hind. 15 However, this period lasted for only four centuries and Muslim rule was confined to Sindh and Multan (southern Punjab).Beginning towards the end of the tenth century, Muslims began to enter India from the northwestward in successive waves, each time extending their territories even further towards North and Central India. Along with each invading army, and on 13 14 Ibid. MuIammad ShafE, FutEI al-Hind, (Karachi IdErat al-MaErif, 2002), 60-61. 15 Abd al-? ayy al-? asanE, al-ThaqEfah al-IslEmiyyah fi al-Hind, (Damascus Mujamma al-Lugha al-Arabiyyah bi Dimashq, 1983), 135. their own as well, came ulamE and Sufis. both had a role to play in the spread of Islamic knowledge in India.Major cities in the impudently acquired territories quickly turned in to centers of learning. Initially, Multan, consequently Lahore and finally Delhi became the pre-eminent centre of learning in North India. 16 This second period starting from the end of the tenth century lasted until the last quarter of the fifteenth century. During this time, India benefited enormously from an otherwise unmitigated disaster. The Mongol hordes that ravaged Central Asia, Afghanistan and Khorasan forced many of the scholarly families based there to immigrate to other countries. India was the top destination for them.Not a day passed but a noteworthy scholar would become in Delhi with camel loads of books. The Indian rulers were fully aware of the worth of the newcomers. They made them feel extremely welcome. every newcomer was given a post or a stipend or an estate to support himself and his family. Thus, the nascent Muslim community of North India benefitted from a continuous supply of scholars and books. During this period, the education system in North India con sisted of three pointednesss At the first stage, as has been the practice throughout Muslim memoir in all Islamic lands, a childs education began with the Quran.Each locality had teachers who specificized in tajwEd, the art of recitation of the Quran. It is mentioned just about Ni? Em al-DEn AwliyE (d. 1325), the great Chishti Sufi saint of Delhi, that he started his education in his hometown, Badaun. This began with learning how to read the Quran. His teacher was a freed slave who had converted from Hinduism to Islam and knew the seven major(ip) recitations of the Quran. 17 after Quran, students would commonly move on to Persian, the official language of the country. Most of the major works of Persian prose and verse line were studied. These include the works of major writers such as SadE, ? Efi? SalmEn SaojE, AnwarE, and others. 18 The education of the general population normally stopped at this level. However, it seems apt to assume that some elementary Arabic was also tau ght at this stage because the students were expected to understand the Arabic phrases that were often used in Persian books and regular conversation. We also find 16 17 Ibid. , 9-10. GElEnE, 139. Also cited by Nizami in KhalEq AImad Ni? EmE, IslEmE TehzEb kE Asar HindustEn par, (Lucknow, Majlis TehqEqEt-o-NashriEt-e-IslEm, 1982), 42. 18 GElEnE, 141. people with only basic education being able to freely quote from the Quran and Prophetic traditions. 9 The second stage was dedicated to an intensive study of the Arabic language as well as fiqh. Some of the books taught at this stage included KEfiyah and MufaIIal for Arabic grammar and MukhtaIar al-QudErE and Majma al-BaIrayn for HanafE fiqh (Jurisprudence). subsequently on, MufaIIal gave way to SharI JEmE and SharI WiqEyah replaced Majma al-BaIrayn. 20 Education up to this level was considered sufficient for those wanting to engage in teaching, preaching, etc. and en call one to be called a dEnishmand (wise man) or a mawlawE. Studies at this level would correspond to the fourth year of study in the present-day eight year Dars-eNi?EmE. In the terce stage, also called faIElat, advanced books of each science were studied. These included al-KashshEf and MadErik al-TanzEl for tafsEr (Quranic Exegesis), MishkEt al-MaIEbEI and MashEriq al-AnwEr for IadEth, al-HidEyah for HanafE fiqh, and UIEl al-BazdawE for uIEl alfiqh (principles of rule). Along with these, major works in the various branches of balEghah (rhetoric) were also studied. The one who completed this stage was called a fEIil. As can be seen from this brief outline, rational sciences and kalEm (dialectics) were not paid much attention in the regular political platform.Only a some basic texts of logic and kalEm such as al-QuIbE and SharI al-OaIEif were studied. 21 In fact, the general attitude amongst the ulamE towards these is outdo summed up in this statement of FatEwE al-TEtErkhEniyah, a fatwE gathering compiled during the fourteenth century The issue s of ilm al-kalEm lead to new dissentions (fitnahs) and innovations and cause harm of faith (and) the ones who normally engage in it are either less-intelligent or are seeking to dominate rather than seeking the truth. 2 This all changed towards the end of the fifteenth century and the beginning of the sixteenth century. During this third period which lasted until the beginning of the eighteenth century, logic, philosophy, and kalEm got new impetus. At this time, many students of SharEf JurjEnE and Sad al-DEn TaftEzEnE moved to India and brought with them new books on grammar, 19 20 21 22 Al-Nadvi & Moinuddin, 4. Ibid. , 5. GElEnE, 151. Ibid. , 155. rhetoric, kalEm and fiqh. 23 Later, FatIullEh ShErEzE came to India from Iran and brought with him works of DawwEnE, MullE OadrE and MirzE JEn.These works were promptly accepted by Indians and before long these became part and parcel of the curriculum. 24 Again during this period, purpose built institutions existed side by side with in dividualized private instruction. The fourth period can be said to have begun from the early part of eighteenth century lasting until the universe of DEr al-UlEm at Deo expeld in 1866. This period is characterized by the presence of two very important personalities. Each of them contributed to education in his own way. wholeness is ShEh WalE AllEh of Delhi and the other is Ni? Em al-DEn SihElvE of Lucknow (d. 1748).WalE AllEh focused on the teaching of IadEth especially the OiIEI Sittah (the six major collections of IadEth viz. OaIEI al-BukhErE, OaIEI Muslim, JEmi al-TirmidhE, Sunan AbE DEwEd, Sunan al-NisEE and Sunan Ibn MEjah) and al-MuwaIItE of MElik ibn Anas. Later on, WalE AllEhs son ShEh Abd al-AzEz, operating from his base in Delhi, helped to diffuse it throughout India. SihElvE, based at FarangE Mahal in Lucknow, focused on developing a comprehensive curriculum which came to be called Dars-e-Ni? EmE, after him. SihElvE focused more on the maqElEt (rational sciences) and f iqh than on the manqElEt (transmitted sciences).In fact, an examination of this curriculum shows that it included ten books on logic, five on dialectics and three on philosophy while only a portion from two works of tafsEr and one book of IadEth were studied. 25 This curriculum proved extremely popular because of its ability to prepare students for independent study. Even the ShEites of Lucknow came to the Sunni school of FarangE Mahal to study because of the reputation of this curriculum at producing comprehensive and rational, educated individuals. Although, our period of research ends here, however, let us state this much.WalE AllEhs curriculum and SihElvEs curriculum represented two extremes in their emphasis upon the transmitted and the rational sciences, respectively. Quite a number of people took advantage of both the curricula but there was still no single unified curriculum. That came about with the founding of the DEr al-UlEm at Deoband in 1866. The curriculum adopted at DEr al-UlEm, although still referred to as Dars-e-Ni? EmE, was a combination of the two. On the one hand, rational sciences were studied in almost as much detail as SihElvE had envisaged and on the 23 24 25Al-Nadvi, 6. Ibid. , 7. Al-Nadvi & Moinuddin, 10. other hand, WalE AllEhs emphasis on IadEth was also incarnate so that during the last year of study, the OiIEI Sittah, as well as the SharI MaEnE al-OthEr of al-UaIEwE, and the al-MuwaIIEs of MElik and MuIammad al-ShaybEnE were studied in their totality. INDIAN ULAMO AND ? ADOTH The prevalent idea among the vast majority of Indo-Pakistani ulamE is that IadEth was historically a neglected science in India. It was only with the coming of WalE AllEh that this changed.The unique position that WalE AllEh occupies in Indian Muslim ingenious history has meant that his supporters tend to sideline the important contributions made by others before him and during his time. Regarding the contributions of Indian ulamE to IadEth, we have to ke ep Indian history in perspective. Muslims came to regard India proper (Sindh & Multan being the exception) as their home only after the coming to power of QuIb al-DEn Aybak in 1206. Indian Muslims contributions should be examined keeping this in mind. By this time, all the major works of IadEth had already been compiled.It was too late for Indians to form part of al-BukhErEs chain of transmitters. They could not have taken part in the formative period of the IadEth sciences. Sindh, which was Islamized earlier on, did take part in these activities and was the exception. Later Indians, however, engaged in those pursuits that were still possible. They compiled newer collections based upon the original collections. They learned the IadEth sciences, memorized texts with their chains and taught these to others. In this regard, a salient example is that of ? asan al-OaghEnE al-HindE (d. 1252).He was the Indian ambassador to the Abbasid court in Baghdad. Upon orders of the then Abbasid cal iph al-MustanIir BillEh, he compiled MashEriq al-AnwEr, a collection of 2246 aIEdEth from the two OaIEIs of BukhErE and Muslim. The caliph himself studied this book from him. For many centuries after that, this book was an integral part of the curriculum of Islamic madrasahs. Numerous commentaries were written on it by ulamE in Egypt, Iraq, Syria and Hijaz. It was held in such high flirt with that Sultan MuIammad ibn Tughlaq is reported to have placed it side by side with the Quran while taking anathema of allegiance from his officers. 6 26 Muhammad Ishaq, Indias Contribution to the Study of hadith Literature, (Dhaka, University of Dacca, 1976), 218-221. There are many other examples from each of the succeeding centuries as well as some from the previous ones which show that learning IadEth and teaching it to others was very much a part of the educational system. There was IsmEEl MuIaddith (d. 1056) who was based in Lahore and had dedicated himself to teaching the various Islamic sciences including IadEth. 27 Then there were Shaykh BahlEl of Delhi and MuftE MuIammad of Lahore, both from the time of Akbar (c. ixteenth century). Both were well-known for their expertise in IadEth. 28 MuftE MuIammad used to teach OaIEI BukhErE and MishkEt al-MaIEbEI. Also from the sixteenth century is MEr MurtazE SharEfE, the grandson of SharEf JurjEnE. He left Shiraz to go to Makkah and learned IadEth from ibn ? ajar al-MakkE and got ijEzah (permission/license) from him to teach it to others. He came to settle down in Agra and passed out-of-door during the reign of Akbar. 29 Then there was ? Efi? DarEz PeshEwarE who had learned IadEth from his mother. This lady had written a commentary on OaIEI BukhErE in Persian. 0 Moreover, it is mentioned about MuIammad Farrukh, the grandson of AImad Sirhindi, that he had memorized 70,000 aIEadEth on with their chains and texts and their strengths and weaknesses. 31 This devotion to IadEth was not confined to North India alone. Gujarat in western India is situated opposite the Arabian Peninsula and therefore, has enjoyed a polishr relationship with the Arab peninsula from the beginning. conspicuous ulamE such as AlE MuttaqE (d. c. 1568) and his students MuIammad ibn UEhir PatnE (d. 1578) and Abd al-WahhEb al-MuttaqE (d. 1592) were in the forefront in the science of IadEth.They flourished in Gujarat and Makkah and from there, their influence extended to various parts of the world. In Delhi, Abd al-WahhEbs student Abd al-? aqq (d. 1642) was active in disseminating IadEth. He wrote important commentaries on the major works of IadEth. He was followed by his son NEr al-? aqq, who similarly, was quite active in serving the IadEth sciences. In sulfur India, we find the sixteenth century scholar BhikErE KEkorvE who wrote a book on the principles of IadEth, titled al-MinhEj. 32 In Zaidpur in eastern India, MawlEnE Abd al27 28 Ishaq, 45-46.GElEnE, 129. 29 Ishaq, 99. 30 GElEnE, 130. For more information about women muIaddith Et (traditionists) throughout Muslim history, see Akram Nadvis up-coming 40 volume work al-Muhaddithat Women Scholars in Islam. Its one volume introduction (muqaddimah) has tardily been published by Interfaith Publications, UK. 31 GElEnE, 128. 32 Ishaq, 124. Awwal (d. 1560) had written a commentary on OaIEI BukhErE, titled FayI al-BErE. 33 Even OzEd, more famous for the historical works that he wrote, had written a commentary on OaIEI BukhErE, titled Oaw al-OarErE. 4 In Kashmir, there was MullE InEyat AllEh KashmErE (d. 1713). He had taught OaIEI BukhErE thirty six times. 35 And then in the nineteenth century, we find RaImat AllEh IlEhabEdE who had memorized the six books of IadEth (OiIEI Sittah). 36 The rulers also took active part in sponsor IadEth sciences. It is mentioned about Sultan maim ShEh (d. 1397) of the South Indian Bahmani kingdom that he had set aside special stipends for the scholars of IadEth so that they could stay engaged in their scholarly pursuits without havi ng to worry about earning their living. 37Sufis and Knowledge Sufis enjoy maybe the worst reputation in Islamic scholarly circles. Much of this stems from the behavior and statements of ignorant Sufis. This then leads to a blanket condemnation of all Sufis including the unmingled giants of taIawwuf. Historical evidence points in a different direction. It would be helpful to consider here the case of some Sufis and their attitudes towards education. In fact, in the second half of the ordinal century, Delhi saw the founding of the khEnqEh of the famous Chishti saint, Ni? Em al-DEn AwliyE. Not only had Ni?Em al-DEn studied the above-mentioned MashEriq al-AnwEr from cover to cover but also knew the entire collection by heart. 38 The best source of information about him is his utterances (malfE? Et) that were recorded by his disciple AmEr ? asan SijzE (d. 1336) in his famous work FawEid al-FuEd. 39 Even a cursory glance at this collection will show that Ni? Em al-DEn had a thorough un derstanding of IadEth and fiqh. And this in spite of the fact that he was busy training his Sufi disciples and did not have time to be actively involved in the intellectual life of Delhi. other incident is worth considering.It is mentioned about a certain AkhE SirEj who had moved at a young age from his native Lakhnauti to Delhi to benefit from Ni? Em al-DEn. He lived in Ni? Em al-DEns khEnqEh for many years. Once, soulfulness recommended his name to 33 34 Ibid. , 122. Ibid, 163. 35 Ishaq, 160 and GElEnE, 128. 36 GElEnE, 128. 37 Ibid. , 134 and Ishaq, 103. 38 GElEnE, 119. See Nizami, Some Aspects, 347 for the ijEzat nEmah (license to teach) that Ni? Em al-DEn received from his teacher after completing MashEriq al-AnwEr. 39 AmEr ? asan SijzE, FawEid al-FuEd, translated from Persian into Urdu by ZiyE-ul-? san FErEqE, (New Delhi DK Printworld, 1996). Ni? Em al-DEn for successorship. Ni? Em al-DEn replied that SirEj was not educated and therefore, not competent to be a successor. Upo n this, one of the scholar disciples of Ni? Em al-DEn, MawlEnE Fakhr al-DEn ZarrEdE volunteered to teach SirEj and fulfill this important former for him. He accomplished this in six months. 40 This shows the erudition and skill of ZarrEdE as well as the acumen of SirEj to learn. Above all, this incident shows the central importance that Sufis gave to education.One could argue that the sources for all such incidents are hagiographical accounts whose sole purpose is to glorify the personality of the person being written about. Even if we were to accept this charge, although there is luxuriant reason not to, even then, the fact that the biographers considered acquisition of knowledge to be praiseworthy shows the status of knowledge and education in the Muslim society of that time. AVAILABILITY OF BOOKS The scarcity of books in India before the coming of the press has been made quite an issue of.Some historians, as evidence of this claim, have cited an incident involving WalE AllEhs s on, ShEh Abd al-AzEz. It is reported that when Abd al-AzEz began writing his Persian commentary on the Quran (FatI al-AzEz), he could not even find al-TafsEr al-KabEr of al-REzE. 41 after(prenominal) a desperate search, he finally found it in the library at the Royal palace in Delhi. This is hard to believe. All of Abd al-AzEz works have come down to us. We find him referring directly to classical works of ShEfiE, AbE YEsuf (the main student of AbE ? anEfah), al-GhazzElE, Ibn ? azm, Ibn Taymiyyah, etc.Some of these works were hard to find even after coming of the press. It is reasonable to assume that someone who had access to such rare works would also have had access to al-REzEs work. Even if the incident was to be considered true, it cannot be taken to be representative of a general trend. It appears as an exception rather than the rule. Moreover, GElEnE has cited an incident involving OzEds teacher, MEr Tufayl. OzEd writes that once MEr Tufayl went to see the Nawab of Agra. Th ere, a debate ensued about certain linguistic aspects of the Quranic verse and for those who have the power (2184).According to OzEd even for this relatively minor issue, most major works of tafsEr, including al-REzEs al- 40 41 Ni? EmE, IslEmE TehzEb, 43. GElEnE, 38. TafsEr al-KabEr, al-KashshEf, BayIEwE, and other books of language and rhetoric were consulted. 42 MullE MuIib AllEh BihErE (d. 1707) is a prominent scholar who flourished during Awrangzebs (d. 1707) reign. He is the author of Musallam al-ThubEt, a famous work on the principles of jurisprudence (uIEl al-fiqh). A manuscript of the authors marginalia on this work is available online. 43 In this, he mentions the books that he consulted while writing this book.The list includes all the major works of uIEl of each of the Sunni schools viz. UIEl al-BazdawE, UIEl al-SarkhasE, Kashf al-BazdawE, Kashf al-ManEr, al-BadE along with its commentaries, alTawIEI wa al-TalwEI, al-TaIrEr along with its commentaries al-TaqrEr and al-Tays Er, al-MaIIEl of al-REzE, al-IIkEm of al-OmidE, QaIEs MukhtaIar along with its various glosses, SharI of alAbharE, SharI of TaftEzEnE, gloss of FEzil MirzE JEn, al-RudEd, al-UnqEd, al-MinhEj of alBayIEwE along with its commentary, MukhtaIar of ibn al-? Ejib and Muntaha al-UIEl. This is an exhaustive list.If these books were available to someone working in Bihar, it is quite reasonable to assume that they would have been available in the capital Delhi as well. In fact, not only were books easily available during the period under study, rather it was not such a major issue. There are two important reasons for that. Firstly, there was always a overlord group of copyists in each locality who were called warrEq (scribe) or nussEkh (copyist). They kept track of all the books available in their area as well as other cities and upon demand they could quickly make copies of the desired book. 4 Secondly, amongst the general educated public most people could write quite fast. About the first contention, the quest incident is quite telling. Abd al-QEdir BadEyEnE (d. 1625) was an accomplished scholar and man of letters who was attached to Akbars court. Although working under Akbar, he had become thoroughly disgusted with Akbars eclecticism. Even though an officially approved history of Akbars reign had been written by Abul Fazl titled Akbar NEmah, BadEyEnE felt that the record needed to be set 42 43 Ibid. , 57. MuIib AllEh BihErE, ?Eshiyat Musallam al-ThubEt, MS. Or. 350, p. 1, University of Leipzig Library, downloaded from UIEl al-Fiqh wa al-QawEid al-Fiqhiyyah, al-MuIIafE min al-MakhIEIEt al-Arabiyyah wa alIslEmiyyah, %20 %20 %20 accessed 16 rarified, 2010). 44 During the period under study, copyrights violation was not an issue. There was no legal hindrance to making copies of other peoples books. Today, the opinion is divided among traditional scholars regarding copyrights. Some insist that they have no basis in Islamic law.Others approve of them. For a sampling, s ee NEh ? E MEm Keller, Copyrights in Islam, Shadhili Teachings, (accessed 17 August, 2010). right. So, in secret, he wrote his historical work titled Muntakhab at-TawErEkh, in which he showed the darker side of Akbars reign. He could not make it public during his own lifetime for fear of severe official reaction. After his death, some copyists got read of it and before long its copies were to be found all over the country. By this time, JahEngEr, the son of Akbar, had ascended the throne.He tried to ban the book. However, in spite of his absolutist powers, JahEngEr could not take this book out of circulation. Every now and then, a report would be received that this book was seen in this town or that city. 45 This can be reasonably attributed to the easy availability of copyists who made sure that they had access to books that people wanted. In fact, this also explains the verbose spread of the press in India. The effective system of copyists had relieved people of the need for a feeling press. About the second contention, i. e. the writing speed of educated people, let us present some incidents. OzEd has mentioned about a certain scholar Shaykh KamEl Text books of Iarf (morphology), naIw (syntax), manIiq (logic), Iikmah (philosophy), maEnE, bayEn, fiqh, uIEl, and tafsEr, all of these, he copied with his own hand. And for every book, he wrote its gloss in such a way that the text did not require the commentary anymore and the commentary did not require the text anymore. 46 Regarding Shaykh NEgaurE, the father of Abul Fazl and FayzE, OzEd writes, He wrote 500 volumes with his own hands. 47 Similarly, it is mentioned in the account of a certain Shaykh Junayd ? isErE that he could copy the whole Quran in three eld and that too with the diacritical marks. 48 To close this topic, let us mention what Abd al-WahhEb MuttaqE has mentioned regarding his teacher AlE MuttaqE. This has been quoted by Abd al-WahhEbs student Abd al? aq DehlavE in his AkhbEr al-AkhyEr. Al E MuttaqE had moved to Makkah and was the foremost scholar of that city. Abd al-WahhEb mentions about him that he had a clothing of copying 45 46 47 48 GElEnE, 59. Ibid. , 62. Ibid. Ibid. , 63. mportant books and sending them out to all those regions where such books were unlikely to be found and people would need them. Writing books was a religious vocation for him. 49 CONCLUSION A systematic study of Islamic intellectual heritage (of India as well as the rest of the Muslim world) is essential for a better understanding of Islamic Civilization. In the preceding account, we have tried to give a glimpse of the educational system of historical Muslim India. This is just a preliminary study. The abundance of historical evidence seems to suggest a very well- organized and organic system of education.Madrasahs, maktabs, mosques, private houses, all kinds of institutions existed in harmony. The options available to any sincere seeker of knowledge were many. Seeking knowledge and impartin g it was a sacred exercise and not a commercial enterprise. The general attitude of the public towards knowledge and those who engaged in it was fundamental to the flourishing of this system. General interest in the various Islamic sciences meant that all segments of the population participated in the cultivation and dissemination of Islamic sciences. Sufis thus placed high value on seeking a proper Islamic education.Similarly, Indian scholars paid close attention to the IadEth sciences. Many of them rose to become pre-eminent IadEth scholars known for their erudition throughout the Muslim world. Moreover, the curriculum that had evolved over the years maintained a healthy balance between the secular and the religious. There were differences in footing of emphasis on the rational vs. the transmitted sciences. However, the overall curriculum was still relatively holistic. In short, Muslim India matched the central lands of Islam in terms of its educational advancement and achievemen ts. 49 See Abd al-? qq DehlavE, AkhbEr al-AkhyEr, translated from Persian into Urdu by SubIEn injure and MuIammad FEzil, (Karachi MadEnah Publishing Company, n. d. ), 529. BIBLIOGRAPHY Al-BayhaqE, AbE Bakr AImad ibn al-? usayn. (1410 AH). Vol. 2, Shuab al-OmEn Branches of Faith. BayrEt DEr al-Kutub al-Ilmiyyah. BihErE, MuIib AllEh. ?Eshiyat Musallam al-ThubEt Marginalia on the Flawless Evidence. MS. Or. 350. University of Leipzig Library, downloaded from Usul al-Fiqh wa alQawaid al-Fiqhiyyah Principles of Jurisprudence and Legal Maxims, al-MuIIafE min al-MakhIEIEt al-Arabiyyah wa al-IslEmiyyah Chosen Arabic and Islamic Manuscripts.Retrieved August 16, 2010. http//mostafamakhtot. blogspot. com/search/label/16%20 %20 %20 %20 DehlavE, Abd al-? aqq. (n. d. ). AkhbEr al-AkhyEr Reports of the Select. (SubIEn MaImEd and MuIammad Fazil, Trans. ). Karachi MadEnah Publishing Company. 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Al-Nadvi & Moinuddin, Survey of Muslim Education India, (Cambridge The Islamic Academy, 1985), 5. Nizami, Khaliq Ahmad. (1961). Some Aspects of Religion & Politics in India during the 13th century. Bombay Asia Publishing. Ni? EmE, KhalEq AImad. (1982). IslEmE TehzEb kE Asar HindustEn par The effect of Islamic Civilization on India. Lucknow, Majlis TehqEqEt-o-NashriEte-IslEm. SijzE, AmEr ? asan. (1996). FawEid al-FuEd Benefits of the Heart. (ZiyE-ul-? asan FErEqE, Trans. ). New Delhi DK Printworld.
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