Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Nursing Retention in South Africa

Nursing Retention in South Africasecond Paper Quantitative ResearchTitleMokoka,K.E., Ehlers, V.J. Oosthuizen, M.J. (2011). Factors influencing the retention of registered nurses in the Gauteng duty of South Africa. Curationis, 34(1), 9. Retrieved from http//dx.doi. org/10.4102/curationis. v34i1.16IntroductionSouth African Nursing Council has predicted a minute nursing staff curtage within the country in the in force(p) future. This phenomena occurred as the number of nurse graduates has reduced by 42% everyplace a period of 10 years. The authors carried out this exploratory descriptive numerical poll with the intention to investigate work related reckons that influence nurses finish to stay with current employer. Questionnaires were posted to 536 registered nurses selected using random sampling regularity acting. Authors use postal questionnaires as information collection instrument to targeted respondents with c everywhereing letter and stamped addressed return envelop e. However, only 108 questionnaires returned where 73.1% of responded nurses expressed thoughts of leaving their job. Data analytic thinking of this read employed quantitative descriptive procedures using Statistical parcel for the Social Sciences (SPSS) tool. As a result, financial factors was the most important factor influencing nurses retention. Recommendations based on the results of this study made to the employers for implementation to reduce overturn and enhance retention. Data collection method will be discussed in this study.Data collection methodStructured self report mickle-based method was used by the authors in the entropy collection. Researchers have the options of grimace to face interview, phone interview, postal questionnaires and online (electronic) questionnaires.Since this cross sectional quantitative survey consisted of pear-shaped number of pattern to achieve generalization of the study, postal questionnaires as data collection instrument is favored ( Stenhammar et al., 2011). In addition to that, Ashby et al. (2010) reported that postal questionnaires tool is frequently used for health services research. In fact, postal questionnaires approach used by researchers can be distributed throughout a wider geographic area thus increases the number of return samples. McDonald and Adam (2003) claimed that postal data collection received twice response measure than online method. Similarly, Shih and winnow (2007) reported that postal mail survey gives better response rate as compare to electronic mail after a followup into 35 studies. Subsequently, high questionnaires response rate will realize studys hardihood and avoid bias (Stenhammar et al., 2011). However, postal survey with fractional questionnaires is excluded hence the particular of item-missing data reduces data quality. Mean eon, force function set up to ensure issue of questionnaire for online data is not possible for postal data. Indeed, Basi (1999) put together tha t completion of data by online respondent is more than that of postal respondent. On the contrary, Stanton (1998) compared postal and online questionnaires and suggested that there were no differences in the item variability and amount of incomplete data. Even so, there were variety of findings in the studies that compare the postal and online methods (e.g. Buchanan,2003 Epstein et al., 2001 Lewis et al., 2009).As many researchers begin to recognize the impending trend where ne 2rk interactions more and more gain popularity among the population, it is highly possible that electronic devices will play an fighting(a) role in time. According to McDonald and Adam (2003), online technologies might include synergistic television, handphones and 3D simulations touch screen devices. However in 1999, Dommeyer and Moriarty concluded that online data collection methods do not result in higher response levels and Cobanoglu et al. (2001) stated that postal survey was a common research method in year 2000. When exploring the social background of the participants, mail response samples showed schematic and introvert profiles. Whereas, the online response samples showed profile of technology savvy group (Schillewaert Meulemeester, 2005). Clearly, acumen of technologies and adaptation of users are other important factors to consider by researchers while referring to the social-demographics pattern of the population.There were total of 89 questions in this study that may reduce the response rate significantly. Given the circumstances that nurses in the sample group have been busy at workplace and back dwelling (handling household chore), they are less likely to participate in the study actively. In this case, question designs by researchers must be focused and short to extract required information and encourage participation. As pointed out in a pilot study carried out by Jepson et al. (2004) the threshold for questionnaire aloofness on a favorable response rate was ap proximately curtilage words. In addition, Edwards et al. (2003) supported this hypothesis after the review of 251 relevant reports cerebrate that using shorter questionnaire increases response rate. In another word, questionnaire design is important to upper up returns. All things considered, novice researchers consider the use of questionnaires are discuss to refer experts and literature on the similar study ( Drummond et al., 2007 Dunn et al., 2002 Marshall, 2004 ).Then again, conventional research method such as postal survey be more as compared to online survey. Postal cost includes those of printing, preparing mail cover and two way postage (MacDonald Adam, 2003 Mehta Sivadas, 1995 Weibie Wallace, 1998). Moreover, to improve postal questionnaire response rates a couple of(prenominal) measures were introduced for examples including pencils and erasers in the postage package, sending reminder in the form of text edition messages or electronic mail. For the study on cos t effectiveness of including pencils and erasers, Aveyard et al. (2001) found that there was no benefit shown to set off the cost. Nevertheless, text messages as suggested can be conveniently implemented as a strategy to increase response rate by researchers because participants take shorter time to entrance money text messages on phone than electronic mail ( Keding et al., 2016 Man et al., 2010). terminationSelection of data collection instrument is essential to enhance survey quality while taking into consideration the aspect of accuracy, cost and timeliness. Unfortunately, studies facial expression at comparative result among different data collection methods over the years has produced conflicting outcome (Weigold et al., 2013). In time, health care take into accountrs creation the technologically sophisticated population may be able to provide higher response rate in web-based survey with the improvement of net accessibility and successful technology adoption (Weible Wall ace, 1998). On the whole, ongoing study is required to monitor the evolution of health care research so that the researchers can decide on the suitable method for their studies.

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